Revisiting the WHO Analgesic Ladder for Surgical Management of Pain
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
at 5:00 PM (CET)
In 2020 Laura Stone McGuire, MD, and Konstantin Slavin, MD published an article on "Revisiting the WHO Analgesic Ladder for Surgical Management of Pain" in the AMA Journal of Ethics.
They proposed a reexamination of the World Health Organization (WHO) 3-step analgesic ladder. This considering the substantial progresses surgical options for pain have made over the recent years. These are often absent in conversations with patients about treatment options for their pain and consequentially underutilized. Surgical interventions potentially provide a long-term, cost-effective management strategy and are helpful to reduce opioid use.
In this PainCast we discuss the message of this very interesting article with the senior author Prof. Constantin Slavin. He will give us an overview of new powerful surgical options allowing a more personalized approach for pain treatment.
Info for physicians: This event collaborates with the Goldenes Kreuz Private Clinic (PremiQuaMed group). The Austrian Medical Association approved it as a DFP advanced training course (1 point). (Continuing medical education, CME)